Sunday, January 29, 2012

So Grateful

There is no way to explain the how grateful I am for my knowledge of the gospel. It has saved me. . .comforted me. . . inspired me. . . and now my children are beginning to put together the principles of the gospel too.

Today, during Sharing Time, we had a guest teach the children about the Plan of Salvation, or what we sometimes call the Plan of Happiness. When we got home from church, Josh went into Luke's room and drew this on the dry erase board.

He drew the Celestial Kingdom. Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and family are there. Today we learned that this is where we want to make it to--the Celestial Kingdom-- so we can be with Heavenly Father and Christ and our families. But Josh added "L.T". . . . Luke Taylor, and a smiley face. It made my cry. This truly is our Plan of Happiness.

And like Josh said. . . we will see him at the Kingdom!


Corine Moore said...

How do I respond to this??? I'm just so happy that you are blessed with such comforting truths; families are forever!
Corine :D

Amber said...

Wow. That's the best.

Tina said...

The Gospel teachings are truly a blessing

Billie Jo said...

It is a great reminder and and even better motto to live up to. Thanks Josh for the reminder!

Angela said...

They are such sweet boys :) I love them!