Monday, September 20, 2010

The Mighty Hunter Rides Again

Picture this: You are in the middle of the hot desert, sitting in a box made of your own hand, sweating and cursing the sun. Suddenly, along comes a buck, an antelope buck, not the buck of your dreams but still a "good enough" one. You draw back your bow, let the arrow fly and THWACK, you kill the first animal of your life with a bow.

Now, doesn't that make you tingle with excitement. . . .no? Huh.

Yeah, you're right, only Brian would find that exhilarating. And that is exactly what he got to do.

And to top off his already great season, he shot an 4 x 4 elk with his bow this last week. Now, if he can get a deer, he will have pulled off the perfect season. Can he do it? . . . . stayed tuned.

And I know you are all wondering, "What about Jan?" Well, let's just say she saw, she shot, she hit, she couldn't find it. Insert whimper here.