Thursday, December 20, 2012

Breaking News

I have some Breaking News here at the Taylor Chronicle.....a 6 month old baby named Benjamin can answer questions when asked directly.

Impossible you has never been seen just can't believe it......

Well, we have video proof......

He is a baby GENIUS!!!!  And he is SUPER cute.  Just as an added update, at his 6 month appointment, Benjamin weighed 20 lbs. 8 oz. and was 27.5 inches long.  He is a tank and we love it (maybe his weight has something to do with his ginormous brain?!?!).

Thursday, December 13, 2012

As Plain As The Nose On My Face

I have ALWAYS been, shall we say, aware of my nose.  Let's be is, well, of a more portly is vertically is stoutly has more cushion for the pushin' is BIG.

I was made fun of my entire childhood because of it, but as I got older, the jokes stopped, not because my nose got smaller, but because adults don't make fun.  I kind of forgot my nose was big......until.......

My all time favorite comment on my nose was made just 6 years ago by a young boy in our ward.  We were practicing for the primary program and I was sitting with my son's class.  A boy in his class turned around and looked at me and said "Your nose looks like a witch's!"  How do you respond to something like that?

Ah, what was a girl to do?  My husband seeing my unhappiness decided to talk to a surgeon at work who suggested I come in for a consult.

So, 6 years ago he and I went and talked to the ENT doc about my nose.  I found out there was more wrong with it than I thought.....a horrible deviated septum, big turbinates, and a high bridge (i.e. one heck of a big hump). 

The solution to those problems.......A NOSE JOB.  But, shortly after talking to him, I got pregnant with Luke and by the time I had him and met our deductible, there was no time to have the surgery.

Until this year.......

But before I reveal the NEW nose, let's review the OLD one.  Let's go back.....

Okay, maybe this is too far back, but seriously, I had a cute nose!

Crusin' forward.....and.....STOP!

Not bad from the front, but look out......BAM.....from the side!!!!

So here are the pictures in succession of the AFTER:

Day 1

Day 2  Post Op
Day 3 Post Op
Day 4 Post Op

Day 5 Post Op

Today- Day 6 Post Op Front

Day 6 Post Op Side


The recovery hasn't been as bad as I expected. The pain is minimal, it is more just uncomfortable. But I do have a great support system--great husband, and great friends who have helped me so much!!!!! I am still pretty swollen, but don't worry......I will post more pictures when the swelling goes down some more and maybe I will even put on a little make-up!!!