Saturday, January 19, 2013

6 month (+ 1 month) pictures

I am a horrible could I forget to get Ben's 6 month pictures done.  I got them done just last week (hence, the title of this blog) so he was actually 7 months old!

Josh, Mike, Luke.....all had 6 months pictures done.  But not Ben.  Poor kid.  This may scar him for life.  He may have to go to counseling about this someday.  Oh, the inhumanity of it all.......

But, they did turn out FANTASTIC.....

He is FREAKING adorable........

Maybe he will survive my oversight.

What do you think?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Time Flies

I never thought too much about the saying "time flies" until I had children.... and it seemed like in the blink of an eye Josh went from being a loud, stubborn 1 year old to a loud, stubborn almost 12 year old.

And then, after Luke passed, the saying "time stands still" came into play, or maybe I just wanted it to stand still.  I didn't want anything to change.  I wanted to hold onto what we had.......

This past month, I think I have had time standing still while flying by (yea, figure that one out).

We got to celebrate Ben's first Christmas.  We enjoyed playing Creationary (the boys got it for Christmas) and sipping hot chocolate.  We watched movies and ate popcorn.  And the time really flew.

And then by week two of Christmas vacation, time slowed down, trickling ever so slowly, until it eventually came to a screeching halt, and I didn't think I would make it until they went back to school (isn't sending them to school heavenly?  I think we should go year round.....who's with me?!?!). 

Here are some of our most memorable times:

Okay, now let's talk about this cuteness:

Ben is over 22 lbs. and is in 9-12 month clothes already.  He is sitting up wonderfully well.  He is almost crawling......he can go scoot backwards as far as the room will allow, so we are working on his forward motion.  He is LOUD and proud.  If you don't pay enough attention to him, he will yell until you do.  He has found his toes and loves to try to suck on them!!!  He still wakes up 2-3 times a night, but we are going to start curbing that!  His favorite foods are sweet potatoes and peach cobbler, but he is starting to want our food more than his own.  He loves his brothers, something I hope will last a lifetime.  He finds them just hilarious.  And he is stinkin' adorable!!!