Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The First Day of Quiet, a.k.a., The First Day of School

Ahhhh. . . I think most of us love those all too familiar sounds of bus brakes squeaking, and children playing at the bus stops. That means that school has begun. Now, I LOVE my kids, more than anything. But, there does come a point where the summer gets to be too long and they NEED to go back to school. They need to be learning and running and making friends. It is a good time.

I do miss them during the day. I also very much miss the little man that I should be taking care of while his big brothers are at school. I can almost see him in the picture above, standing with his brothers, wanting to go to school too, waiting at the bus stop with them and waving as they drive away. And, then, running to meet them when they get home.

Someday, we will have the opportunity to make those memories.

I am sure of it.


Tina said...

Yes you will!!!

Tyler & Laura said...

Jan, I hope you don't think I am a total weirdo :) But I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the awesome furniture your husband has made for you. Holy smokes!! Would he ever consider selling some that he makes? I am in love with your entertainment center....like, seriously in love, ha ha! We are going to finish our basement soon and I would LOVE it if I could get one like yours! If you can, email me at lauraspeth85@yahoo.com :)

Anonymous said...

Just read your post of the Jackson's blog. It was beautiful and inspiring. It made me cry and was a perfect way to describe pain, yet also faith. Beautiful! Thanks, my day needed those words.