Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Day In The Life Of.....ME

Well, when you have a baby, a lot of your days are doing the same old thing, day in.....and day out. 

Someone told me recently that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Well. . . . . call me insane. 

I keep thinking if I put Ben in his crib for a nap, this time he will sleep for 2 hours.  NOPE!

 I think, if I just have the "be nice to your brother; he is your brother for ETERNITY" talk with Josh, then he will be nice to said brother.  NOPE!

If I do all the laundry, it will stay done.  If I mop the floor, it will stay clean. If I eat that piece of chocolate cake, I won't get fat.  To all these things, there is a resounding NOPE!

Ah well, I guess we all are a little insane, right?


Tina said...

I join with you in the insanity of it all!!! I disagree with one statement though. Chocolate cake doesn't make you fat. I simply can not live my life thinking that!!!