Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved a girl. To show his love, he whisked his girl away to an enchanted chateau. It was a magical place. . . where no kids were fighting and no clothes were waiting to be folded. The rooms magically cleaned themselves and breakfast appeared as if from heaven. To entertain his girl, the boy took her on a magic carpet (motorized, of course) through the trees and hills of the country. Alas, at the end of three days time, it was time to leave the chateau and return to their former existence.

Even now, as the girl folds the piles of unending laundry, and calms the quarreling children, she will think of that magical chateau, and how the boy she loves created a wonderful memory she will cherish.

The Very Happy End!!!!


Whit said...

Soooooooooooo sweet! Way to go Brian!

Billie Jo said...

Spoiled! No magic Carpet rides for me lately. I must not be the fairmadien princess that you are. Good to know that romance is still alive.

Angela said...

That looks like so much fun, I'm glad he was able to take you away.

Holly said...

That sounds wonderful! so glad you got whisked away. We all need that sometime.