Sunday, December 22, 2013

It is Christmas yet?

Ahhhh.....the day is almost upon us and I am finally ready for it to be here.

We put up the decorations a month ago, and I don't know about anyone else, but
putting up the decorations to me DOES NOT make me want Christmas to's a pain......
we have boxes upon boxes to open......things are strung here and there.....let's just say Christmas's guts are flung far and wide......although the end results are pretty amazing.

This week though, I wanted to play that good 'ole Christmas music....some Bing and Frankie.....those boys hit the spot......and start the Christmas baking.....yummy.....and the goodie eating.....not so great but totally necessary!

And Christmas time just wouldn't be complete without several ornaments crashing to the ground and shattering in a million pieces, or some Christmas lights being hung all over the ceiling of my car (thanks Josh) or having to go to SEVERAL different school programs.....

Oh.......what's that you would like to see one of these programs.  That is your ONLY Christmas wish......very well.  Here you go.......Merry Christmas!!!