Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Empty Nest?

And another one bites the dust and heads off to school. Today is Mikey's first day of pre-school. He was sooooo excited to go. His school is close enough to our house that I could walk him in the stroller to school. When we got close enough that he could see it (which was probably still a 1/4 mile away) he started saying "Goodbye, Mom!!!" So obviously, he didin't have any trouble with me leaving him there. So now you are all wondering "What will Jan do with her new freedom?" Well, I think I will. . . . Wait, what's that? I think I hear my bon-bons calling!!!! Ha! Ha!


Anonymous said...

Oh Jan I know you and I am sure you are scrubbing down some wall or vacuuming up a storm. I think you better enjoy this freedom for the few months that you have it. I love that Mike and Tess are so big. I am excited for you to have to start all over again!!!