Thursday, April 23, 2009

Taylor All-Stars

Well, maybe not all-stars yet, but they are getting there. This is the first year Josh and Mike are trying out baseball-Josh is in coach-pitch and Mike is in T-ball ( and they are both the number 9, what a kawinkiedink, huh!). They both are enjoying it so much it almost makes it worth it. And I say that with all the love I can, but, when I am running my kids to this and that, I can't help but think of my poor mother who did this for her 5 kids. Running back and forth, to this practice and that, in the cold, the wind, and sometimes even the rain. I never understood until now what a sacrifice it was for her. So thanks Mom for being the best Mom and doing that and never making me feel like it was too much of a bother!! Hopefully, I will endure it as well as she did!!


Billie Jo said...

Amen sister. I had two soccer games today and I just had to ask myself why. Then I look at my kids and I get that feeling like, this matters to them. I wish every day and every minute could be like that. PS you don't have to do it in the snow though:)

Team Bryan said...

I know just how you feel. It took 45 minutes to curl Avery's hair just so she could throw a fit and NOT dance the other night. It isn't always easy, but our kids need to know we love them, and that is how we do it. Endure, endure, endure. And then try to love it all the way to the end. Good thing children are small and beautiful.

LoraAnn said...

Isn't it crazy how just T-ball can get hectic??! This is Caleb's first year as well and I only have one kid to haul around so far to games and practices and I feel overwhelmed! What mom's won't do!